Make a difference in the lives of our children.

A better future is possible.

Make a difference in the

lives of our children.

A better future is possible.

Make a difference in the lives of our children.

A better future is possible.

Embark on our goal of transforming the lives of 150 children, by donating scholarships with a commitment to helping one or more children over the course of 1 year.
Benefited children:
Your donation helps 150 children!

I discovered Portal when I was 15 years old, because my grandmother asked me to take my 6-year-old cousins ​​Darlisson and Cristhian to the Reading Incentive Project. In 2022, I participated in the Nutrition Project (A Thousand Days for a Life) at Portal with my 2-year-old daughter, where I received guidance from a nutritionist and learned how to improve my daughter's diet, in addition to receiving vegetables, fruits and roots for compose a healthy diet in my home.
Richezilly Karla Bezerra, 24 years old, mother of Maria Flor, resident of the Pilar Community.
In 2023 I started studying Pedagogy at Faculdade Alpha and today I am a trainee at the Portal, I help in coordinating projects, and I don't even know how to explain how I feel, the Portal transformed me into an agent of social transformation and I am transformed every day through of the pedagogy. I see in my mother's eyes that she is proud of me. And today I experience my greatest achievement!

Transformative Power of Education in Disadvantaged Communities

You are able to change children's perspectives for a brighter tomorrow!

The portal, in my life and in the life of my family, symbolizes a safe harbor where I find security, support to follow and continue writing my story and the story of my family. Being able to go to work knowing that my children are well supported and accompanied by the portal, is very rewarding. I can't find the right words to describe this feeling of gratitude, to see the evolution of Júlio and João in the therapeutic process, in encouraging reading, in the discipline with jiu-jitsu, in their knowledge of computers.
Tatiana Alves de Vasconcelos, mother of Júlio César and João Pedro. Residents of the Pilar Community.
Oh! We would spend the day talking about how grateful I am for the Portal.
We promote education programs for children aged 6 and over, such as encouraging reading, reinforcing Portuguese and mathematics, ballet and jiu-jitsu. From the age of 14 we have preparation for technical schools in the State of Pernambuco.

We also offer English courses for teenagers from 10 to 16 years old, residents of Pilar Community. Besides being instrumentalized in the language, the boys and girls work inside the classes questions such as racism, self-esteem and sense of collective.

All of our organization's activities depend on the support of people like you to continue existing. Can we count on your generosity?

Education is the foundation for a better future

Educational Project Hours

These are the values ​​that guide our actions. Our dream is to promote a intentional movement aimed at objectives of reducing inequalities, eradication of extreme poverty and quality education, through connections between companies, governments and social entities, providing solutions practical and effective so that citizens of needy communities are treated with respect and dignity.

In this way, we seek to be an ecosystem of reference, to communicate with partners and volunteers, with the aim of promoting opportunities in the areas of education, health, assistance, income generation and employability for people in a vulnerable situation.

Our values:
Integrity, Social Justice, Ethics and Respect

Our dream is to drive an intentional movement, providing practical and effective solutions, so that citizens from underserved communities are treated with respect and dignity.

This is the number of people who have already benefited from our actions


Social inequality is combatted with opportunities. We operate based on three pillars:

Number of volunteers who have worked at the institution to date


Positive impact generated by the institution’s work over the years




Click on the + to learn more about each area

Encouragement of Reading and Literacy, English and IT classes, preparatory courses, jiu-jistu, football and ballet classes. A range of activities are carried out thanks to the support of our donor network.
Several actions are carried out, such as the Compaixão na Rua (Compassion on the Street) Project, which serves 100 homeless people every week by distributing meals, listening and attention. We also have a volunteer psychology team, providing free services for children and adolescents.
Projects with the aim of promoting social inclusion through courses in the area of ​​technology, gastronomy and aesthetics, for young people aged 16 and over, thus being able to compete for the job market.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a global initiative launched by the United Nations that aim not only to improve people's quality of life, but also to protect the planet for future generations.

Each goal has specific targets to be achieved by 2030, and they are often referenced as a guide for global, regional and local policies and actions towards a more sustainable and equitable future.

Our work is strongly connected with 3 SDGs

Click on the SDGs below to check active projects:



Imbiribeira: Rua José da Silva Lucena, 241
Recife Antigo: Rua do Brum, 303

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